Sunday, October 30, 2011


This started out being a Halloween shoot with "Cosmic Girl".  I got lots of great shots that were super hero-esque, but it's this one that caught my attention after all was said and done.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


I guess this guy waited a bit too long for someone to trespass on his property!

Friday, October 28, 2011


This is a close up of my Husband's carving skills.  It's hard to tell, but this pumpkin weighed 126 pounds before he was killed and gutted.
Halloween weekend.  Ahahahahaha...... the fun begins!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rocky Ravine

This may be one of the last Autumn landscapes. They get harder to come by every day. I was in this little dried up ravine by the river with leaves everywhere and the sun came through and just lit it up.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fantasy Island

To me this feels like a castle out of the 1800's.  Maybe there's a mote around it and royalty inside?  Or it could be where the gladiator's are forced to stay before a fight......?  I could come up with several more fantastical scenes, but alas, it's only a shot of the underside of a bridge over the river.  In St. Paul.  In 2011.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Picasso Moment

I had take out Vietnamese food for lunch and while I was waiting for my order I took some shots of the fish in the restaurant. This is the best one and that was the only time I held my camera today. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Flight 5820

At 5:30 this morning, I had a flight out of Missoula, Montana bound for MSP. I took pictures with my camera phone out the plane windows. This one was my favorite, looking back at the wing and part of the engine as the sun came up.

And to all a goodnight..........!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Today was my last day in Missoula. The weather cooperated with me fully. It rained, the sun shined, and it rained again, which saturated all the colors of this graffiti and made a great contrast to the mountains and the natural beauty.

Farewell Montana.

James The Doorman

I chose to spotlight James on my blog today for a few reasons.  He is only one of 6 black people in Montana,  he's a perfect model,  and as you can see, is incredibly dedicated to his work!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Skalkaho Falls

I requested a visit to a waterfall while on my visit to Montana.  My Brother drove me 21 miles up the side of a treacherous mountain  - in the rain, no less.  This shot is the result, taken late this afternoon.

Made For Walking

                                                   I am in Montana, after all.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Berkely Pit

This may look beautiful, but when you know the complete story behind it, it becomes real ugly. It is a former copper mine that closed in 1982 and flooded with rainwater over time. This photo shows about one quarter of it. The water has the acidity of lemon juice.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fog Over Missoula

I'm in Montana, so landscapes will most likely take center stage for the next week. The fog was so thick this morning the mountains were invisible, but it was perfect for a shot like this.

High Windows

                                               Kind of speaks for itself.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


This past Friday I took a "photo safari" of part of Minneapolis. I learned a lot, got some good shots, and lots of future photo ideas. 
In this photo, I wanted to capture how today felt to me - mostly sunny, but windy and cold.  I think it comes across. You tell me.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Creepy People

Does this freak you out? I found these mannequin bodies in a window of an old warehouse, and I couldn't resist. Look at the broken glass and the blood coming from the Manny's head - like someone threw a rock and got her perfectly!

I know I have a rather macabre way of seeing things, but Halloween IS right around the corner.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Mississippi In The Pink

The 35W bridge is lit up in pink tonight to honor breast cancer awareness. I shot the rainbow colors when Minneapolis celebrated Pride this Summer, so I had to go and capture it in pink too. It is more beautiful than the photo shows, but this isn't bad!

Love the reflections in my car!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Another photo I'd like to see blown up really large. I just like the repetition and the feeling of warmth it gives me. I captured it inside the St Paul cathedral on this blustery day.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

For Jenevieve

Most may think this photo is kind of lame, since piles of leaves are everywhere right now, but my Sister left Minnesota 2 years ago and the thing she misses most (besides me) is the Fall. I found this group exactly how you see it - one green one on top and all wet from the rain.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Take A Look See

To be honest, I have no idea what this is or what it was built for, but I stumbled upon it in White Bear today and thought it made a unique picture in a picture. So there you have it!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Daddy Dog & Baby Dog

I found the bratwurst boys at Nicollet and 7th selling Vienna Dogs this afternoon. I was literally standing on the corner laughing! I hope this shot does the same for you!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Duluth #2

I know it's the same spot as yesterday's photo, but I couldn't help myself. This one was taken shortly after sunrise and the fog was just rolling out. It drizzled all night, but the temperatures were still in the 70's by noon.
Same spot, different mood.  Great time.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


                   Almost sunset in Duluth.  Anniversary overnight.  Priceless.

Friday, October 7, 2011

October Walk

I'm a sucker for anything remotely spooky, especially in the month of October! The way this turned out, they almost look like ghosts.

I walked by these women holding the hands of a little boy dressed all in black. As I passed, I quickly turned around and got one shot. It was too dark to focus and capture them clearly, but I actually really like this blurry one.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Purple Prayers

No, I'm not talking about the Minnesota Vikings! (Although they could use a few prayers). This is a shot of the Basilica all lit up purple tonight. I have no idea why, but it sure is beautiful in person.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


My husband and I were married in Mexico almost 8 years ago (The 10th to be exact) so we decided to count it down the right way.  With margaritas of course!

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Village

I was at a sculpture garden today and this is a shot from inside one of the metal sculptures.
I named it The Village as an ode to the movie by the same name. If you didn't see it, you're one of the lucky ones!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Night Falls on The Mississippi

The trees aren't the only thing colorful this time of year.  Every 75 days or so I have to throw a skyline photo in.  It was the clear winner when I saw how much the colors popped off of the river!

The Big Blow

I took pictures all day long. This is the last one of the day. None were magical, but this one tells a story. In my family we have 6 birthdays, one week apart, for 6 weeks. This is a shot of lights out.
Both for the 16 year old at hand, and the last birthday of the family!!