Saturday, April 23, 2011

Look Close

Today is only day 79 and I've hit a wall (I hope it's just the weather - and the brown everything!) My camera comes with me everywhere and I am always taking shots, but somehow I haven't gotten excited about anything I've posted in awhile.
This squirrel playing peek-a-boo with me is the best of the bunch for today.

Stay tuned,this too shall pass. Tomorrow the sun is supposed to shine!


  1. You sure this isn't a close up of a possum? Keep them coming. I love the picture in a picture game.

  2. Ha Ha! I have now been asked if it is a pig snout, an owl or a possum!

    It is a squirrel. I am positive.

  3. Ok, I guess your blonde roots are showing. We are all talking about the piece of wood. Not what is inside of it. :)
