Monday, February 7, 2011

A Crying Day

This photo is very much representative of my day. It's been a hard one and I want to cry! My 2 year old laptop has been having issues and today it has decided to give up the good fight! Can you imagine embarking on a brand new challenge (this blog) and having your workhorse die on day 4? The only thing worse would be if my camera went on the blink. . . . . .probably shouldn't have actually typed that out. Ahhhh - tomorrow's another day. With a new day, comes new possibilities!!


  1. Oooh, I'm sorry about your laptop. I hope you get things resolved soon. :)

  2. you really shouldn't have typed that last part out knowing our luck. way to go mom. but I like this picture...just like it you have many more layers to go mom!!! you are doing an AMAZING job and you just gotta get out of your head. I look forward to todays picture

  3. That laptop didn't keep much longer than an onion. I hope you're not too slowed down by the setback.
