Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome to my blog! My goal is to take all of you along on a year long photography journey. I intend to take - and post, a photo a day for 365 days of someone, someplace, or something that I happen upon in my everyday life!

I hope you enjoy all of my hard work, insights, personal growth, and above all - my photos! The journey begins on Friday, February 4th!
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  1. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos! Happy snapping.

  2. Tracy, this is so exciting, for you and for your blog-followers! I love the photo a day format; it will be another place I'll go every day for inspiration. Glad you decided to do this.

  3. Tracy! You are a woman of many talents! So so so happy that we have crossed paths! Looking forward to seeing what your snapping these days!

    Kathy bertram

  4. Thank you all so much for the support on my new adventure! Your comments make it all the more fun!!
